01 Home 02 Projects 03 Writing Project Portfolio Here's some of the stuff I've been up to. Intempus 2024-2025 26-33 mins Giving agents a temporal understanding through human physiological data. Learned Spectrum Fall-Winter 2025 18–22 mins Towards temporal understanding in AI through fMRI learning stage classification. Tone 2023-2024 1-2 mins An AI-enabled pendant that acts as your second brain, distilling your lived experiences into a personal AI. A digital extension of yourself, starting in the form of a necklace. Von Niemann Probe Winter 2023 46-58 mins An AVR-based Bluetooth telegraphing shoe insole that lets you play chess in the way Hans Niemann has been accused! This project is our contribution to the ongoing investigation into the Hans Niemann/Magnus Carlsen cheating scandal and tests the feasibility of creating and using an over-the-board chess cheating aid. CNC Milling Workflows 2022-2023 12-15 mins A guide for CNC milling, covering machinist jargon, material standards, feeds and speeds, CAM workflows with Autodesk Fusion 360 & Vetric Aspire, and milling workflows for Shopbot & Bantam Tools machines - all through a collection of milling micro-projects ranging from a 1 to 1.9 Million scale mill of Mars's Gale Crater to brass wax seals. Pizza-Pizza CNC Machine Winter 2022 38–48 mins A pizza-preparing, tool-changing, 3-axis, 3D-printed CNC machine! Adaptable Aquaponics Summer 2022 18-23 mins A theoretical confrontation to contemporary farming challenges. Adaptive Aquaponics is the scaled successor to my Assistive Aquaponics Fish Tank & my entry into Autodesk Instructable's Make It Modular student design scholarship. UPDI Programming Summer-Winter 2021 24-31 mins Programming via the megaTinyCore library, enabling your IDE for serial UPDI programming via a portable python implementation and temporary hardware, or one of two designated serial programmer options. Each UPDI serial programmer enables switching between serial programming and monitoring without any rewiring. Parametric Bottle Cap Generator Fall 2021 6-7 mins Lost a lid or just want a more functional cap? Generate and print your own, compatible with any existing threads! Uses metric thread standards via equasions in fusions parameters, allowing for the generation of a threaded cap with only 3 required measurements. Lithophane Experiments 2019-2022 1-2 mins A Lithophane is a piece of art made out of a thin translucent material designed to show an image in a “grisaille” color format when held up to light, an art medium I use to test slicer changes with. Octoprint Setup Fall 2021 9-11 mins Complete Octoprint setup documentation, including hardware setup, software installation, machine mounting, and a list of great plugins to expand Octoprint's capabilities. Assistive Aquaponics Fish Tank Winter-Spring 2021 83–105 mins A monitored aquaponics ecosystem, expanding the accessibility of successful & thriving aquaponics ecosystems. - my Fab Academy final project. Klipper Enabled Ender 3 Spring-Summer 2021 10-12 mins A modified Ender 3 with printer electronics rehoused, carriage reworked to direct drive, motherboard & screen swapped, and Klipper firmware installed. Project Portfolio Site Summer 2021 6-7 mins The behind the scenes of the site you are on right now - Static site generation with` Mkdocs, and hosting via GitHub Pages. Cable-managed Corner Desk Spring 2020 6-8 mins A desk for the corner of my bedroom with integrated cable management and laptop mounting, allowing for super-clean cable routing. Copyright © 2025 Teddy Warner Project Portfolio - Digital Fabrication & Engineering Projects