Founders bootcamp
- Cannot do it alone
- Entrepreneurship is a mental performance
- Manage your sleep
- Understand the opportune time to take action
- What are the key outcomes?
- How would I feel about this decision?
- Must live with your decision, no need to always rush for money
- What you believe can and will happen
- Share what you want to do aloud
- By sharing your ideas, you test your theory with other’s bias
- Understand how people feel before you understand how they work
- Practice empathy
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- [[Radical Candor]] = Care Personally + Challenge Directly, At the Same Time
- Be more than just “professional”, build personal relationships
- “It’s not mean, it’s clear!”
- Not an excuse to be a dickhead
- Get Feedback
- Ask a specific question, not “do you have any feedback”
- Cannot be answered with a yes/no
- Embrace the discomfort
- Listen with the intent to understand, not respond
- Reward the candor.
- Give Feedback
- Praise > Criticism
- However don’t avoid the bad stuff
- Humble, Helpful, Immediate, Synchronously (no email/text - phone or in person)
- Criticize in private, Praise in public
- Don’t address another’s personality, specific to
- Gauge Feedback
- Pay attention to how a person reacts
- Sometimes you may be wrong, be open to feedback
- [[QSBS]]
- You need to start a problem that you are experiencing, or a problem which you are passionate about